Friday, May 14, 2004

A date with Naraku O.O #6

You're in the middle. You show some weakness and a
lot of courage. So you have a chance. Stick up
for yourself more and get down some violence
into your system. But he likes you none the less.

A date with Naraku O.O #6
brought to you by Quizilla

"A date with Naraku O.O #5"

You are really slowly beginning to like him. Naraku
might not like you because you seem like you
would act weak. You seem weak and he isn't fond
of that. But he perhaps slightly is warming up
to you. Keep going!

A date with Naraku O.O #5
brought to you by Quizilla

"A date with Naraku O.O #4"

You are perfect!!! A bit of boldness, abit of
everything, except weakness. That is what is
keeping you alive and he loves that. ^.~ Keep
it up!

A date with Naraku O.O #4
brought to you by Quizilla

"A date with Naraku O.O #3"

A mix. A lot of violence and self absorbtion. But
Naraku is the same way. Always manipulating and
deceiving. But deep inside you are a softy. You
probably are the girl for Naraku. Whoo!! Keep
going!! ^.~

A date with Naraku O.O #3
brought to you by Quizilla

a date with Naraku O.O #2

You have much stubborness and spirit. Naraku might
like that or it might make him mad...Hopefully
those are good qualities. Naraku might like
you... Be hopeful if you love the bad guys!!
Continue!!! =P

A date with Naraku O.O #2
brought to you by Quizilla