Monday, August 23, 2004

Monday Music Mambo

So to start out this week, we'll do a little "I say ____, You think ____." (Music style, of course)
Station: 104.1

Concert: Ozzy
MP3: ----
CD: Now 13
Burn: Usher
Seven: I can
Who: Nas
London: ----


Blogger Victoria said...

Hey, you only answered the first half of this meme! I want to see your answers to the other half too. And LOL, you're too young to remember vinyl records huh? That's what that huge pile of things next to your dad's computer is! And London is the home of the British rock wave of the 60s with the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Kinks, and all the GOOD music!

6:01 AM, August 24, 2004  

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